Tools & Calculators

Our tools and calculators can help you manage your finances. Whether it's deciding on taking a mortgage payment holiday, how to budget for gifts for family and friends, or how much you should spend on an engagement ring.

A photo of a person using a calculator and a laptop.

Loan Repayment Calculator

Compare loans and find out how much you can afford to borrow in just a few seconds with our free loan repayment calculator.

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Multiple wooden blocks with a percentage symbol and up arrow

Pension calculator

Our pension calculator tells you how much your retirement fund will be worth when you stop working, what annual income you will get, and how long it will last.

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Graphic with a calendar and flowers with the title wedding budget planner

Wedding budget planner

One of the first things to think about when planning a wedding is your wedding budget and how much you can afford to spend, ahead of setting the wedding date.

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Planning a holiday with guaranteed sunshine

Exploring the amazing cities of the world is one of life’s great pleasures. So there's always a good excuse for planning a holiday in the city; whether it’s for a romantic getaway, to spend more time with friends and family, or simply by yourself for some mindful me-time, making sure you have a holiday plan is vital.

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Young beautiful blond guy is behind a window of luxury jewellery shop. Boyfriend in love is searching a present for his love, expensive gold ring with diamond is perfect gift for anniversary celebration

How much should you spend on an engagement ring?

It can be difficult to know how much an engagement ring should cost. Our guide will help you decide how much you can spend and where to choose your engagement ring. Discover how much you can afford to spend on an engagement ring with our new calculator

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Screen time salary calculator

How much time do you spend, in £'s on you mobile compared to the average in your area

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