If you have a business bank account, you need to be careful when making cash withdrawals, especially if you’re running a limited company. Here we run through the dos and don’ts of taking cash from your account.
Managing finances is a big part of running a firm. Likewise, knowing when you can make withdrawals is something all business owners need to be clear about. This is because there are rules governing how you’re allowed to access your business bank account, and company directors ignore them at their peril.Â
Not every company owner has a business bank account. Many sole traders just use personal accounts, but while this may work for a small firm with relatively straightforward accounts, dedicated business bank accounts come with a number of benefits that could be worth considering, including:
The ability to upload receipts to the account, to aid with transparency
Integrated invoice tools, which create a template, and maintain a record of any invoices issued
Accounting software packages, which can help with working out tax and National Insurance contributions
Tax helplines
Option to upgrade to a superior account as your business grows
Business insuranceÂ
Easier access to business loans
Opportunity to boost your business credit rating
Offering a more professional image
When we talk about taking money from a business account, we’re not referring to paying for goods, parts or services vital to the firm's smooth operation. We don’t mean paying salaries and taxes, either. We’re talking about when you make withdrawals from a business account for personal reasons. You’re allowed to do this, but only if you follow certain guidelines. What you can take out and why depends on whether you’re a sole trader or a limited company.Â
There’s no legal requirement to have a business account if you’re a sole trader, but many small firms choose to open a business account because of the various benefits on offer and because it helps with business loan applications. It also makes it easier to separate business and personal finances.
That said, if you’re well organised there’s no issue with keeping all your finances together in a personal bank account. After all, as a sole trader, any money coming into the account is yours once you have paid your tax and National Insurance contributions.Â
A limited company is classified as a legal entity in its own right. It’s distinct from its directors, which means all financial records and dealings must be kept separate from any personal banking. The simplest way to do this is to have a business bank account.Â
Typically, banks will insist you open a business account if you run a limited company. This is partly because limited companies need to submit detailed accounts, showing and explaining all transactions to Companies House each year.Â
If you’re operating a limited company, there are four main reasons for taking money out of your business account and placing it in your personal account. These are:
Paying yourself a salary. It’s recommended that business owners draw a regular salary, after deducting income tax, National Insurance and Employer’s National Insurance contributionsÂ
Taking a director’s loan. You should aim to repay the loan before the end of the financial year, otherwise you’ll face an additional tax charge, known as an S455, on any outstanding balance
Issuing dividend payments. You should only pay dividends from profits based on the proportion of the business each shareholder owns (i.e. shares held)
Claiming business expenses. Ideally, all expenses will be paid for with the business account bank card. But using a personal card is permitted so that you have a backup if, for example, your business card isn’t accepted
Note on business expenses: